Saturday, 8 March 2008

Getting sociable

Yesterday afternoon my colleagues and I finally went out for our Christmas lunch. Given that this should have been at the beginning of December it is quite impressive that we are only three months late!

We took ourselves off to a restaurant in Soho. The food was pretty good, although my boss perplexed the waiting staff by enjoying his starter so much that he asked for another helping as desert. It took several attempts before the waitress would believe him!

I found the ladies toilets particularly worthy of comment. The sinks in the toilets were the sort of rectangular free standing ones, and the bases were full of large pebbles. I asked my colleagues if it was the same in the gents... apparently not. Perhaps gentlemen can't be trusted not to break things with the rocks?

Whilst we were at our table what appeared to be a coach party arrived at the restaurant. As we sat and watched a seemingly endless stream of people entered the restaurant and went down the stairs to the basement dining area. It appeared that the basement had some sort of tardis like properties!

Following dinner we decided to go to a bar for cocktails. This was accomplished not on foot, not in a taxi, but by rickshaw! I had always wanted to try one of these - so it was quite fun! There were six of us so we took two with three in each, and there was some what of a race to see which would arrive first! At £3 per person it might have been a bit more expensive than a taxi (we only went from just off Shaftesbury Avenue to just off Piccadilly Circus - which for those not familiar with London is a ten minute walk)... but it was definitely a unique experience, and quite a lot of fun!