Sunday, 15 March 2015

Gin Festival

Yesterday I took a trip to Milton Keynes to go to a Gin Festival. Anyone who is fond of particular tipples may have been to one of these festivals. 

Having bought your ticket you arrive at the venue and buy tokens which enable you to try different brands at various bars around the room. There were also some sponsors/exhibitors giving talks (and free samples) and an off licence selling gin and souvenirs ("Life's too short for single gins").

I went with a similarly gin inclined friend and we had huge fun trying different gins and planning our future excursion to Sipsmiths London distillery!

Tone of the day for public transport

Street art caught my eye

Start the day with great coffee

Gin #1 (Rock Rose)

Gin #2 (Batch Premium)


Sipsmith's Swan (Graham?)

Unusual hygiene notice!

Time to shop?

Fever-tree tonic (lots of it - Elderflower & Mediterranean are great) 

So much gin, so little time

Gin #3 (Steam Punk)

Gin #4 (Elderflower Warner Edwards)

Gin #5 (Sipsmith V.J.O.P)

Lecture Theatre (really!)

Shopping time!

Walt behaving himself on the train

My gin collection (middle bottle bought yesterday)

Attendance badge

Tote to bring home swag

Gin literature

I had a fantastic day out, tried some really great gin (and one that I didn't like so much) and even learned a few things about both gin and tonic.

I'd go again, although possibly be more organised and not go all the way to Milton Keynes!