Wednesday, 2 July 2008

What, Wednesday again?

So, the good news is that the email server in our office continues to fail every hour (although now a quarter before the hour). The experts are 'monitoring the situation' so that's OK then. I've given up on the whole endeavour.

Lunchtime saw a trip up to John Lewis. Boss-two and I went on the search for new crockery and a new kettle. I'm not sure it really ought to have taken two of us but anyway. Our quest for new glasses failed. Unfortunately we knew exactly what we wanted and couldn't find it. Highly irritating... they were all too big, too small, too round or too expensive!

My journey home tonight was extremely disrupted by event or events unknown. Rich rang me to tell me that my nearly-mother-in-law was stuck on a bus in Greenwich and had moved twelve feet in fifty-five minutes. He was suggesting that I not get the Jubilee Line, which considering the less than perfect record lately was probably good advice. So, I went down to Piccadilly where the Number 9 bus failed to show, so I walked to Charring Cross (via Trafalgar Square). 

As I arrived I found a train just leaving for Blackheath so I jumped on that and less than twenty-five minutes later was in Blackheath Village. Where I missed the 54. So I got a 202 to Blackheath Standard, then I got a 380 (via a very circuitous route) to Charlton Village... where I stopped at the Chippy before eventually arriving home, only about an hour and a half after leaving the office. Not at all bad considering!

I've christened Saffy-bloke 'Captain Awesome' after he spent a lot of the afternoon telling me that things were 'awesome'. This is after Ellie Bartowski's boyfriend in Chuck who insists that everything is 'awesome' and is so called 'Captain Awesome'. Probably only works if you've ever watched Chuck!