Friday, 11 July 2008

Out for lunch

Today we had one of periodical office outings. We all went out for lunch at our favourite local pizza restaurant. Although it isn't obligatory to eat pizza at a pizza place everyone did, and it was pretty good too. I couldn't decide what toppings to have (as usual) and in the end went for 'Four Seasons' as that has loads of toppings that I don't usually choose (mushrooms, olives, ham and artichoke). I made up for the lack of 'spiciness' by smothering it in chilli oil. Perfect!

After lunch we found a very traditional sort of pub. It was early enough that it wasn't too busy so we found a nice table. The absolute bonus of all was that by the time we were coming home it wasn't too late! I treated myself to a cab home from North Greenwich, that's two cabs in one day as Boss-two and I got one back from our meeting this morning too!

Boss-one has been on his travels again. And with his usual 'bad travel' karma has managed to lose his luggage. He wasn't even flying through Heathrow! He was only passing through on his way to holidays, so he's lost all his holiday clothes and all. Nightmare. If it was going to happen to anyone it would be him though. I always warn all new staff not to travel anywhere with him on account of his propensity for travel disasters!!!