Saturday, 5 July 2008

Almost like exercise

This morning I went to the supermarket. This is something that I haven't done in a while, electing usually to get Asda to deliver my shopping to me direct.

The demise of the freezer and the advent of the new fridge-freezer meant that our usual stockpile of fridge and freezer supplies had been wiped out.

A serious super shop in the freezer department was called for. Nearly-mother-in-law and I took ourselves off to Asda appropriately early (if you aren't there by ten on a Saturday you are doomed) and I actually quite enjoyed the novelty of a weekly shop (I don't enjoy it if I have to do it every week though!).

By the time we finished and got to the check-outs it was beginning to get busy. Half way through the shop I had swapped my half-size 'basket-on-wheels' trolley for a full size model. It was full too. Emptying the trolley onto the check-out was exhausting, and emptying the check-out back into the bags and trolley was even worse! I was actually sweating by the time I was done, and reminded of the almost forgotten feeling of a post-workout.

Now I remember the other reason that I don't go to the supermarket. Besides the aisles packed with people and never being able to find what you are looking for... it is exhausting!!!