Monday, 14 July 2008

Monday - Holiday Day 1

A great start to my holiday this morning... an appointment at the hospital to see my MS Nurse. This in itself is not a bad thing, I like my nurse (actually she's great) and as the appointments were running to time today everything was accomplished delightfully quickly. Shame the same couldn't be said for the blood test department. The sign at reception warned of a wait of 45 minutes. In the event it was an hour and ten!

The nurse gave me a new version of the auto-injector (hopefully I can work out how to use it with a needle in it, as she didn't have a demo needle for the demonstration). This is going to (allegedly) reduce skin reactions at injection sites - although it has been much improved ever since I started using the aloe vera gel.

This afternoon I decided to run some errands. First up was trip to the library, where upon arrival I realised I'd forgotten my library card and so had to go all the way home again. Whilst at the library I noticed an airship overhead! A real live airship (some call them dirigibles) not one of those tethered ones. After choosing some books (thank you Richard and Judy's Book Club for providing me with four easy choices!) it was off to Asda for a bit more shopping... and another airship sighting! What can there be to see over Charlton and Woolwich apart from the Thames Barrier? It's all a new sightseeing opportunity, for the very rich it would seem!

Airship over Charlton House

Airship heading towards the river

Airship over Asda

Next I took the car through the car-wash (yes, lazy and not very eco-friendly), before my final stop looking for new kitchen flooring. A long (long) time ago when we had the living room re-decorated we used the carpet off-cuts to put down in the kitchen. Never (ever) have carpet on a kitchen floor. So, now we've had a new fridge freezer (and the new cooker imminently arriving) it seems a good time to rethink the floor!

So, several of the dull but necessary tasks out of the way; now I can relax and enjoy the rest of my holiday!