Sunday, 12 January 2014

Sunday Social (84)

Sunday Social

Linking up with Ashley and Neely again. Every so often we reintroduce ourselves... Sunday Social is well into it's second year, so welcome new readers!

1. What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging?
My blog is called 'London Calling' - I'm in London and my blog is 'calling' out to readers everywhere!
How long have I been blogging... on this blog officially 7 years. One post in late 2006 and seriously since February 2007. I had blogs before this one, so actually about a decade. For one reason or another those blogs vanished into obscurity; to paraphrase Oscar Wilde (badly) in 'The Importance of Being Earnest'; "Two lose one blog may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness". There were two before this... one on a server I didn't own and the owners shut it down; the other was on Blogspot and may still be out there somewhere...

2.Why do you blog?
I enjoy sharing things. Sometimes places I go, sights I see, pictures, my life, my cat (professionally cute).

3. What is the first blog you ever followed?
Honestly I'd be guessing.

The two in contention (very sadly) aren't active any more it was either

4. What was your favourite post you wrote in 2013?
Far and away the retrospective of our wedding! Magical wonderful day. The picture below was our wedding gift from one of my bridesmaids who made the wedding cake topper for us. The dress is my dress, and we are both wearing our baseball caps! (photo will take you to the post).

5. What are you blogging goals for 2014?
Back to basics. Engage with the audience; get back to London (get out and about around London!); write regularly (will be easier now I've learned how Blogger on my phone acutally works) and interact with other Blogging friends; I've found my Google Take-out from Reader so I can properly catch up!

6. Top 3 favourite blogs to follow?
I have to choose just three?! There are a lot I'd choose who are reading right now; fellow Sunday Social hoppers. I've chosen three that maybe you don't read...
The world of Formula One. Fantastic read if you need to keep up with whats going on but don't catch qualifying or fall asleep in the race... Liz has a fantastic view of the world of F1.
Linda gives little views of Scotland, with some amazing pictures. If you've never visited Scotland this will make you want to go!
Chris mixes little views of life with fantastic pictures, it is like a lovely coffee table book in a blog.