Saturday, 11 January 2014

Afternoon out

Charlton's home match against Burnley was cancelled this afternoon; which I discovered when instead of 'started' my phone alert at kick-off was 'ended'. The boys (well Husband and Best Man) were still at the pub so I took it on myself to break my cabin fever and join them.

I had the usual fights with things that should fold and not take up the wheelchair space; but also some beautiful views of sunset over South East London. The photos don't do it justice... the bus never stops in the right places!

We had a good time catching up in the slightly noisy pub (a few more fans that stayed on after the game was cancelled) and then a very long trek to our bus stop.

Sunset from the Bus (1)

Competition in the wheelchair space; a buggy shopping trolley

Sunset from the Bus (2)

Sunset from the Bus (3)

Sunset from the Bus (4)

Sunset over Charlton Stationn

Sunset over the Woolwich Road

Sunset through the pub doors

My goodness my Guinness. 
It's allowed, it has health properties (unless that is an Urban Legend)

On the way home, Husband had to marshall the wheelie-walker. 
Two pantechnicon buggies were taking up the wheelchair space.