Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Is it only Tuesday?

There were no Bexleyheath busses again this morning, so I had to get the train to work (again). Very pleasant in the rain. Soggy umbrellas, steamed up glasses, nice! Even worse, it wasn't even a Victoria train (which I managed yesterday) so I had to hope for the Number 9 at Charring Cross to take me along Piccadilly. No way I was walking in that rain. Well, let's face it... I am extremely lazy, and probably wouldn't have walked anyway!

I couldn't read the Metro this morning as my copy got turned to papier-mache by the weather. However, I'd found time to tune into BBC1 before I left home to find out what was going on in the world. Not a lot, according to the BBC. They appeared to be having a 'slow news day'. The two 'articles' I saw... one was about how lots of theatre goers in the West End were dissapointed because the lead in the 'Sound of Music' was ill and her understudy was taking the role. Wow. Amazing scoop. The other story was the beginning of a piece about some reality TV nonsense, presumably being made by the BBC and therefore free advertising for themselves. I cared so little about either I didn't even get annoyed enough to shout at the TV!

As I got off the Number 9 in Piccadilly I noticed that Itsu has now got it's third hoarding in about as many months. Poor Itsu. Itsu is a sushi-type place... and was embroiled in the scandal of Litvinenko and the poisoning! First of all they had a bright pink hoarding guarded by two police officers (who looked very incongruous in front of the pink); then they had a hoarding with a sort of James Bond view-finder design and a little text about how an "international espoinage incident" was responsible for their closure. Apparently they are now working to re-open in a few weeks... according to the latest hoarding, anyway!

Mayfair is a great place to work (sometimes) even without Itsu there are absolutely heaps of places to eat and drink. Within spitting distance of my office there are: 4 branches of Starbucks, a Cafe Nero, 3 Pret a Mangers, M&S Simply Food, Eat and loads of independent sandwich bars. Spoilt for choice. Oh yes, and the new Blast juice bars. Yummy!

Excellent Monday night TV last night. Thanks to VM and our lack of Sky it meant that there was no back-log from Sunday, so I was free to enjoy Numb3rs (reasonably good episode), Prison Break (excellent episode as usual) and Heroes (absolutely top class). Who says I watch too much TV?!