Sunday, 15 June 2008

Father's Day again

This year for Father's Day my brother and I went out for lunch with my parents. I'm not sure I can remember the last time that it was just the four of us 'en famile'.

We went to a restaurant of my choosing near where my parents live. Only chosen, I must point out, because my parents have been there a good few times before and have given good reports.

Clearly a lot of other people had the same idea of lunch with their fathers as the restaurant was very busy. Too busy it turned out. We sat down for lunch a one o'clock and didn't leave until gone three. Bearing in mind that we only had two courses and one of those was dessert this was pretty long. I think that the first mistake we made was not 'having a drink at the bar' which probably threw us out of the perceived schedule. Then we didn't have starters either. The food was excellent, everybody enjoyed all that they ate. The service was pretty poor, I feel that the waiter should check up on you, even if the kitchen is too busy to process your order or whatever. Needless to say, they didn't get a tip!