Sunday, 15 April 2007

Silly AM

Wow! It's been a long time since I've been on the Net at this time of night (morning)!!! Usually if I wake up in the middle of the night I turn over and go back to sleep... or maybe read a book until I fall asleep with my head in the pages!

Yesterday we went to a wedding (in Ipswich). It was a civil ceremony... can you believe the first time I've ever been to a wedding that wasn't in a church! Decided for me that I do want to get married in church... it just doesn't seem right not having the words of the service! But, I guess if you sang in a church choir (as I did) and went to several weddings a Saturday through the summer (as I did) that probably would be the case. It was a really nice day... it was Rich's friends getting married... but I get on well with all his mates, and it was really fun to catch up.

The downside was that it was a nearly two hour drive each way between London and Ipswich... so by the time we got home (about half seven) I was exhausted and had to go to bed. It's the only aspect of having MS that I don't seem to be able to get by, and doesn't seem to be helped by any medication - doing something really simple for more time than is normal REALLY wipes me out... usually it is travelling... especially if I'm driving! The problem is, unless I'm actually feeling unwell, I just can't sleep for more than around seven hours at a go anymore! So, having gone to bed at half eight last night I woke up again around three! And here we are, wandering the web in the small wee hours!

I had the day off work on Friday (and again on Monday). Long weekend for wedding recovery, and also leave to use up! I decided to go get my hair done on Friday. I've found more than a few grey hairs over the last few weeks, and got totally paranoid about it! I decided that grey would show less with blonde hair than brown, so my hair changed colour again!

The Yankees are still playing baseball, as we speak. Extra innings (again) - tied at three and just started into the top of the tenth. If I knew how it worked I'd listen to it on the radio - must pay more attention! Still - have got CBSs Game Centre which is something. It is quite confusing though, as whatever NASN are showing is still in the Eight inning!! Could be good. Jorge and Jeter are on base and Abreu is up to bat - c'mon! Throwing error by the A's - but who cares. As long as we don't lose and land bottom of the AL East! Enough from Abreu get Jorge home should be enough... but if Jeter gets home too that should win the game. Here's hoping!