Sunday, 13 October 2013

Sunday Social (71)

Sunday Social

Linking up with Ashley and Neely
It's all about blogging this week.

1. What was the first blog you ever followed?
I'm not sure I even remember - it would have been five or six years ago! I think it was probably from following a profile of someone who commented on my blog and Charlton Average no longer updated; I think he might have moved!
2. What was your first blog post about?
This is more difficult to answer than you'd think - as this isn't my first (or even second) blog. I'll limit myself to this blog... In October 2006 I wrote a post "First Post - I start another blog"; that tells the tale of the other blogs. Then... nothing for four months. So the fist real post was in February 2007 "Monday Morning Blues" - that was the real start.
3. Who left you your first blog comment?
That would have been would have been the mysterious 'Uncle Bunny' whose blogger profile isn't public so I know nothing more about him.
4. Who was the first blogger you ever met in person?
Most of the blogs I read and follow are not based in the UK, so I've only ever met one other fellow blogger Jodi.
5. What was your first "blogging milestone"?
Just over two years ago the 1,000th post.