Thursday, 4 August 2011

Annual Leave - Day 4

The weather today was in direct contrast to the scorching sunshine of yesterday. Grey, wet (on occasion very wet) and generally a bit chilly. More out and about as I went down to visit my Mum. Primary requirement, fix laptop (achieved). 

We went out and had lunch at the tea-rooms attached to Broadview Garden Centre, itself attached to Hadlow College. After a lovely lunch; soup (sweet potato and courgette) followed by creamed garlic mushrooms on toast; we went to see the gardens. These are various projects completed by the students and, even in the drizzle, stunning. Sadly my pink sandals didn't like the weather and turned my feet orange!

Intrepid explorers, in the rain
I like carved wood
Big and blue!
This garden was "Heaven and Hell"
The Italian Garden
Stone and wood (can't see the stone in this photo)