Sunday, 7 August 2011

Garden after the rain

For a while it rained so hard it was coming down like stair-rods. Then it eased, and finally stopped. The plants, at least, appreciated the downpour.

Not as big as last year's - Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
Any day now he'll join the two that have flowered.
They might be smaller - but this year there will be 6!
Gazania - native to Southern Africa
So it doesn't mind a drought
And comes in many colours
Chocolate Cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguineus) - from Mexico, smells of chocolate!
Phyllis - my favourite fuchsia (native, originally to Hispaniola)
Still raining a bit.
Geranium, taking over the table!
Dianthus - actually native to Europe!!!
Verbena - for the bees. Originally from the New World
Lavender - thought to have originated in Asia, great at bedtime!
Still looking changeable.
The weather station has it right!