Sunday 17 February 2013


So February hasn't been much of a month for this blog so far (apart from the amazing 'View from the Shard').

So here's my excuse. Too much work and too much fatigue. 

The year should have started with me winding down my old job at work and preparing for my new one. The fact that our office junior left and left me managing the office with no help scuppered that. In February I was supposed to start working 3 days a week. Plans were made on this basis. Then the powers-that-be realised that if the girl who sits next to me was away getting married they needed someone to do her job. Step up your's truly... still starting my new role as well.

It has been crazy busy. Every day at work feels like a downhill race to the end of the day and weekends have been full of things planned thinking I wasn't working Monday!

Throw into the mix the sudden and immediate office computer upgrade (which of course went totally smoothly) and you get why the blogging has been a bit sparse. 

Even my email is out of control!
March will improve - well, that is my hope!