Sunday, 17 February 2013

Sunday Social (37)

Linking up with Ashley and Neely for the Sunday Social

  • What is the best Valentine's Day you've ever had?
  • Oddly I think this year. The first Valentine's the Better-half and I were together we both got the flu (having planned to go out) so we've never really made much of it since! This year though we had candles, lights, crackers and magnetic poetry on the fridge!

  • What is the worst Valentine's Day you've ever had?
    When I lived at Halls at College my ex- forgot Valentine's day altogether. You can imagine there was themed stuff at the Union that night and all sorts and I was really hurt he forgot.
  • What did you do for Valentine's this year?
    See above! Pizza and wine/beer and just generally enjoyed each other's company.
  • What is your best Valentine's idea if you're single?
    Get together some other singletons and have a meal some-place nice and spoil yourselves! Celebrate being you!

  • What is your favorite Valentine's candy?
    My favourite chocolates in the world Guylian do a special Valentine's edition. Closely followed by the chocolate rose (see above).

    • Favorite Valentine's memory from your childhood
      I really don't have any.
      It was never much of a big deal in our house.