Next up is Southwark Bridge. Distinctive for it's green and yellow paint it looks a lot like many of London's arched bridges. It certainly looks older than it's 92 years. Southwark links Bankside (one of the arty parts of the South Bank to the heart of the City, dropping you off in Queen Street.
We already skipped over Cannon Street railway bridge to the East, we also now miss out the Millennium Bridge (which may get its own post) and Blackfriars railway bridge.
Hailing from 1869 This elegant bridge is interantionally renowned for all the wrong reasons. In 1982 Roberto Calvi chairman of one of Italy's private banks and known as 'God's Banker' because of his ties with the Vatican was found hanging beneath the bridge. The suicide investigation quickly turned into a murder investigation as ties with the Mafia were revealed.
Up next, Waterloo and Westminster.