On Friday my darling Mutti took me, the Better-half and a family friend on a trip to the Paralympics. We wer lucky, we had stadium tickets for the morning session.
Now ask anyone, I was never sporty. Even at school before MS came and got me and turned me into a disabled person I was rubbish at sport. We did a lot of track and field, so I know how hard I found it able bodied... being there at the Stadium watching the disabled athletes gave me a whole new perspective (and dare I say enjoyment).
- Long jump; check. So appalling bad myself I used to volunteer to rake the sand.
- Track; check. Never got much more than 100m and only that because the track sloped downhill at that point.
- Discuss; check. More likely to drop it on my foot than get in in flight.
- Javelin; check. Actually could throw that, although not very far and due to dodgy aim, keep clear!
And as I said, I was able bodied, young and sort of fit.
The crowd, the noise... it was all very exciting. A lovely sunny summers day - too hot for the man with a cold pushing my chair and the silly girl who took off the hat and had no suntan lotion.
Do take a peek at the slide show (it goes on a bit) but it gives you a flavour of the day!
Incidentally, they made a big deal about the transport and making the infamously disabled unfriendly underground fit for purpose. They did. And the buses and buggies. Fantastic. But what a shame about he stadium. Not nearly enough wheelchair spaces; upper levels practically inaccessible. Despite promises of storage that was full of baby-buggies. The toilets (unlike at Wembley) were not being monitored to ensure that only the disabled used them, they weren't secured with RADAR keys. 3/10 I'm afraid chaps - and you are newer than Wembley (who get 10/10) and built with disability in mind.
"Inspire a Generation" - well I may not be inspired to sport, but seeing what disabled people can do is inspiring me to get more out of life where I can and not sit in bed all weekend!