Saturday, 12 February 2011

Busy days

Another not quiet end to the week. On Friday morning I gave Rich a lift to Woolwich - what with the new Council building springing up and the works to General Gordon Square it has changed a bit since I first passed through over a decade ago! This is a view of the new council building taken in my wing mirror! Lovely weather on Friday morning.

In the afternoon I had to go to the dental hygienist. My mouth always feels like it has had a good work out after that. I then had some time to waste before my doctor's appointment.

Only one thing for it. Go and buy essential food as our shopping delivery wasn't coming due to it being sent to a store 45 miles away due to a computer error. Superb. I stopped in a few other shops whilst I was down on the peninsula. Then off to the Doctor to renew my repeat prescription which had run out of refills... plus some cream for a nasty rash on my shoulders. Next stop pharmacy. Left the house at 2pm got home at 6pm. 

Today I was off with my Mum, Gran and Uncle to visit my cousin her partner and their gorgeous baby. We had a lovely time catching up and admiring the littlest member of our family. A beautiful almost springlike day as well.

I got home in time for the shopping delivery (a day late due to the computer glitch) which annoyed me beyond belief by failing to deliver Sunday breakfast and Saturday night beer. Off to the shops. Superb... tail end of Charlton home game football added to the fact that three quarters of the Borough seems to be suffering from roadworks at the moment. Sainsbury's for the second time in as many days. Excellent.