Clearly the January Sales combined with the imminent VAT rise is just enough to encourage another bout of gross consumerism. So soon after Christmas!
Nothing quite so sad to see as the remains of a party. Bits of streamer are all over our front path - a remnant from New Year's Eve.
It feels a bit like the weekend today. Even though the better-half has gone to the football there is still a Sunday-what-shall-I-do feeling... coupled with an end of holidays can't-really-be-bothered feeling.
In the end I got out my guitar... much to the delight of Cass and Tink who are very musical cats. Tink came and laid down as close as he could to me and the guitar and Cass got the next best spot. Maybe it is the vibrations from the strings that draws them... it certainly can't be the guitar playing. Let's not be under any illusions - singing, yes - I can do that... piano, reasonably proficient... violin, banned in this house... guitar, well I don't really play - I just strum chords. Still more than enough for my poor fingers which hadn't played in nearly a month and before that time measured in years!
Fret marks in my fingers! |
Tink being musical |