Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Going by train

"Travel's a curse" sings the Master of the House in 'Les Miserables'. This is often a sentiment I agree with - especially when it works against me rather than with me. The other week when I was on my way to Lowestoft the train from London to Norwich was delayed on the way - twice. Once due to a defective train in front and the second time due to 'congestion on the line'. All of this meant that we were fifteen minutes late arriving at Norwich - too long a delay to hold our connecting train, which left without us. National Express East Anglia were very unsympathetic and told me there was another train in an hour... by which time I would miss my meeting. Fortunately I found (or was found) by someone else going to Lowestoft who offered to share the taxi... not an English person... English and taxing sharing doesn't really happy.

Fortunately today was nothing like that. The trains were all on my side... I even beat the Lowestoft train to Norwich and had to wait for it to arrive. That is the way it should be. My journey was peaceful and untroubled... although as usual (for that line) my ticket was checked on each train... never happens on South Eastern!