Sunday, 1 June 2014

Sunday Social (104)

Linking up with Ashley and Neely - celebrating two years of Sunday Social!

1. Introduce yourself and your blog to us

This is me:-

Wife:- last summer Husband and I (after a long engagement!) tied the knot. Detractors say that marriage is just a piece of paper. It isn't it is so much more. For us it was a truly magical day that cemented our relationship and made us even stronger. I've never felt so much love; not just from Husband but from all our friends and family who shared the day with us. And now we approach our first anniversary... and it is still wonderful!

Spoonie (and proud!):- in 2002 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. We've had our ups and downs. Nowdays I need crutches as a minimum, the wheelie-walker for preference and a wheelchair for long days. It changes your life, but it isn't an insurmountable obstacle. It directs a lot of what I do (fatigue rules, and so I have to ration activity carefully) and places I go (accessibility is key); but I don't let it rule my life.

Cat owner:- I am a devoted slave to my little black feline furball. Casper and his late brother Tinker burst into our lives four years ago - and the character that Casper has become is a constant (and beloved) part of our daily lives. I grew up with dogs, and the first cat I knew was already fully grown when I met her. Kitten-K is the first cat I've from kittenhood!

My blog is general ramblings about life in London (my favourite city) sometimes slices of life, sometimes bits and pieces that have caught my attention, or perhaps a spotlight on an area of London. It is subtitled "From North Greenwich to Green Park" because when I got the tube to work those were the ends of my journey and most things that are observed happen somewhere around or between the two!

2. What is your favorite form of Social Media and why?
I'm very torn. I'm a Social Media addict. I adore Twitter (and I think it is my current favourite) as it lets me chat to friends (and strangers) about just about anything, any time of day or night. I'm still fond of Facebook as it keeps me in touch with friends and family scattered across the globe - I also get to manage pages to share my interests - Casper, this blog and the Greenwich Branch of the MS Society. Instagram is the best way to share pictures, and it does it across platforms too. Blipfoto is another great photography society. I like Pinterest to collect and share, but I don't use it in a very social manner, more of a handy scrapbook. But what about the others... GetGlue (sorry TVtag), FourSquare, Goodreads, Flickr... on and on, I've probably forgotten some. Click on any link to come and be social with me!

3. What made you start a blog?
Lost in the mists of time. I think originally it was more for me to write and record what passed around me; people reading was a bonus!

Anyone who has read one of these introductory posts before knows that this isn't my first blog. I had another Blogger one sometime around 2002 but it has been lost to a vanished email address and my poor memory. I had one which was hosted by a third party server... shut down suddenly and without warning - all was lost. So finally this one... which actually started on MySpace (blast from the past) and then I painstakingly copied all the posts to Blogger.

4. What do you feel the most meaningful/special post you've written is?
There have been a few about love and loss over the years - but my favourite is the one that looks back at those of another generation of who have gone before.