Sunday, 12 May 2013

Sunday Social (49)

Sunday Social

Linking up with Neely and Ashley again
This week it is all about where we've been and where we're going

1. 1 year ago I was doing...

Well, a year ago I was doing my old job with two fit-outs on site requiring all day meetings. I was also considering the passage of time (coincidentally) as my class photo was posted on Facebook. Just like this year the weather was cheering up in May and I was enjoying the sunshine. I also enjoyed the annual open day at the nearby Park
2. 5 years ago I was doing...
Five years ago my life was very different. My MS wasn't as 'aggressive' as it is now and I was on my brief acquaintance with the Betaferon (until it scarred my arms, stomach and legs and I switched back to Avonex). I was off around to meetings all over the place with my job (and complaining about them) - and as Access to Work wasn't yet in my life, so I took the tube to and from work (and spent quite a lot of time complaining about it). It was also five years ago that the Mayor of London changed from 'Red' Ken Livingstone to Boris Johnstone (seems like he's been around forever!). Because I could move around more easily five years ago I spent a lot of time in the garden too admiring our wildlife (up close and personal)...

3. 10 years ago I was doing...
Cast my mind back to 2003. Quite a trip. I'd only just been diagnosed with MS and apart from occasional bouts of optic neuritis it didn't really affect my life. I hadn't taken the plunge from the first job I'd ever had (although I was looking) so I was working up on the 31st floor of the tower (there used to be a blog but it is lost to time and space). I still had my Charlton season ticket at this point, so football matches were a regular part of my life. Our good friends hadn't yet moved to the country so weekly pub quizzes were also a feature of weekly life! Ten years ago I was worrying about being 30... oddly I'm not now worrying about being 40!
4. 1 year from now I'll be doing...
I fervently hope that a year from now I'll be doing pretty much what I'm doing now, other than the Better-half will then be Husband! Maybe the economy will have picked up a bit and our situations will improve... maybe.
5. 5 years from now I'll be doing...
Five years from now. Things could be the same, things should be different. All economic reports I have read predict that things will be back on an upward curve by then; so hopefully our personal circumstances will have improved. Five years from now I'll know if this new role I've just taken on is working, so I will either be successfully making my way at my current employer or I will be working somewhere else (hard to imagine).
6. 10 years from now I'll be doing...
I don't really want to think about ten years from now. It's like a crystal ball filled with smoke and I can't really see. Maybe all the MS DMDs (disease modifying drugs) that are new to the market now will have enough data for me to consider them safe and take them. Maybe that will soothe the MS beast. Maybe I'll still have my current job... maybe it will have transformed into something else or somewhere else. I don't know where we'll be or what we'll be doing; but the Better-half and I will be together.