Friday, 1 May 2009

Spotted this week

The good thing about being a woman in a man's world (yes, the construction industry is sill a man's world) is that you get your own personal toilet when you are on site. My site visit on Wednesday found a delightful (very clean) toilet with the sign above written on the door. A long way from my first experience of a site toilet which was something like you'd expect to find at a music festival... and about as clean.

I take the yellow sign spotted on the main road near my house to mean that Thames Water are nearly finished 'replacing London's Victorian water mains' in the Charlton area. I'd like to think that the Council wouldn't waste time reconstructing the carriageway if they were going to dig it up again. Mind you, they did resurface our road about six months before Thames Water dug it up, so you never can tell.