Monday, 4 January 2016

Time to read

Regular visitors will know that one thing I really like to do in my leisure time is read. Ever since I can remember I've been a book-worm. From my own book collection to reading for school classes to borrowing from libraries.

Belonging to a library was always one of the first things that I did when I moved house (which I did a lot in my student days) and I even belonged to the library in Portsmouth so that I could borrow books when I stayed with my grand-parents on holiday!

At school we were required to keep lists of the books we had read for English Literature class (in an A5 loose leafed file, with reviews and details). Now, in a similar manner, I use Goodreads. Since the acquisition by Amazon the site has integrated seamlessly with the Kindle and when you rate a book after finishing it automatically posts to Goodreads (providing you have linked the accounts); there is even a Goodreads button in the Kindle architecture now.

My books in 2015 included a lot of 'repeat business' where I found a series that I enjoyed and read as much as I could find. The Prime lending library (one book a month) helped in the early part of the year, and I decided to upgrade to the Kindle Prime subscription which lets you borrow up to ten books at a time - I've got my money's worth so far!

My year of books 2015 included some excellent reads (and quite a lot of average ones) - I'm looking forward to what 2016 has in store!

You can see my reading challenge progress over on the sidebar of the blog, or come and join me on Goodreads!

2016 Reading Challenge

2016 Reading Challenge
Nat has read 1 book toward her goal of 100 books.