Sunday, 25 May 2014

Sunday Social (103)

Linking up with Ashley and Neely for the Sunday Social

1. What is your favorite handbag you own?

I still own a cupboard full of handbags, but I hardly use most of them. The trouble with using crutches (and even the wheelie-walker) is that you have very specific handbag needs. It has to have a shoulder strap (if I can't wear it cross body I drop it constantly). It needs an easy access secure pocket for travel cards and so forth, and it needs fairly easy access secure pockets for phone and other regularly used items. It also needs to be a reasonable size for all the stuff I carry around with me. This one came from Accessorize last summer - I should have bought two as constant use has made it a bit shabby and there is nothing similar in this year's offering!

2. 3 things you would buy right now if money was no object?
Gosh, three things?! Well I'd get Samsung Gear watches for Husband and myself, they are the best offering of the type on the market and meld seamlessly with the phones. I'd say a bigger TV but I really don't think our little living room would take much larger than we've got! Perhaps a nice 'aviary' type enclosure so Casper (cowardly cat) could sit in the garden safe from falling leaves and other hazards!

3. Name a place you would go right now if given a plane ticket to anywhere?
American East Coast, I'd love to go back to NYC, visit Boston and DC.

4. What is the most valuable life lesson you've learned from blogging?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

5. What is the most valuable life lesson you've learned from a friend?
Never give up. There is always a way.