Friday 8 July 2011

Blogger in draft

Since I can't remember when I've used Blogger in draft. On one occasion I switched back when the photo-uploader wouldn't work properly. I've always been a fan. Blogger in draft has had a face-lift. I'm loving it! (click on  screen-shots for larger images).
Screen-shot 1

You are greeted on the dashboard  with a list of your blogs (screen-shot 1).

Each with information showing total number of posts and interestingly page views.

The pencil button takes you to the 'post' page and the house button is a drop down menu.

Click on your blog's name and you'll be taken to an overview page (screen-shot 2).

This shows you information including followers, page views, etc. As well as the news from Blogger and Blogs of Note (which we all aspire to!).

The posts button will give you a list of your posts including information on views and comments (screen-shot 3).

Yes. It is all very white. It is a bit space out and maybe the text could be a bit larger... but the usefulness of everything accessible in one place can't be denied.

Stats from the left hand menu gives you this page (screen-shot 4).

There seems to be some interaction with Google Analytics taking place here as a lot of the layout will look familiar to anyone who uses that service!

Here you can find out everything about your visitors - where they came from, what browser they are using... you have the choice of now, day, week, month and all time.
My service seems to go back to 2009 - so I can see the most popular post since then.

Last we get to the post page (screen-shot 5).

The toolbar hasn't changed other than the compose/html switch has moved from right to left. All the options which used to be below the post necessitating screen-scrolling on my lap-top are now on the right. The publish button is now to be found at the top of the page next to the save button.

So far I've made several posts with no issues... everything has been much easier to use.

Oh, and for those who once coded in their own favicon only to find that somehow the code didn't work anymore and you still got the orange 'B' - on the layout page there is now an option for setting your own favicon.

All in all I'm one satisfied blogger.
Screen-shot 2
Screen-shot 3
Screen-shot 4
Screen-shot 5