Thursday, 4 December 2014

Christmas Lights

I'm a magpie. Ask anyone who knows me. I love things that sparkle, glitter and glow. That puts Christmas lights near the top of my list.

Growing up my biggest memory is the endless untangling of the lights. Quite a large amount was required for the 6+ foot tree that graced our living room.

I don't remember if we had outdoor lights or not, they certainly weren't a big thing if we did. Growing up, lights weren't a big thing. Maybe that is why now lights are the biggest thing.

My husband lights up as many corners of the house that he can like Santa's grotto; and then surprises me on a dark evening when I come home from work with them all switched on. You can pretty much turn on the Christmas lights and get around our house in the dark this time of year.

I massively enjoy all the displays in London. When we were children going up to town for shopping/visiting Santa/seeing the lights was a Christmas treat. I'm sure the lights thirty odd years ago had nothing on today's displays - but they impressed us!

These are some lights, in my house and in and around London.


An album by TheMrsNatG
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