Friday, 3 February 2012

The Royal Borough of Greenwich


Royal Greenwich, a set on Flickr.
This weekend the area formerly known as the London Borough of Greenwich celebrates it's transformation to the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Greenwich joins less than a dozen places in England with the right to this prefix; four boroughs (three within London, one without), one county and three towns.

The oldest dates from the 10th Century (Kingston-upon-Thames) and the newest is today 3 February 2012 (Greenwich).

The Queen is granting the Royal status in celebration of her Diamond Jubilee; but Greenwich's links with Royalty go back to at least the 15th Century. The palace at Greenwich (long demolished) was a favourite of Henry VIII; he married two of his wives there and both of his daughters (future Queens of England) were born there.

Visitors to Greenwich Park today can still imagine the Royal hunting parties that once populated the area.

The Borough's website has had a makeover too.

If you are local to the area drop by the Council website for details of the festivities taking place over the weekend.