Friday, 23 April 2010

Kicking back to relax

I've not had my time for blogging of late. Work has been insanely busy and ten or twelve hour days have been the norm. Spending that amount of time in the company of my office PC leaves me with no appetite for turning on the laptop when I'm home - especially as I've been hooked up to the iPhone on the journey between the two!

One of the worst things about working in an office is being stuck indoors all day. There has been some fantastic spring weather to miss this week. The sun is shining, the sky is blue - absolutely gorgeous. I spent a few hours gardening last weekend and a while just enjoying the calm this afternoon.

My Fuchsia Phylis - back for another year
Beautiful Blossom
The first of my baby plants flowers
My shady arbour
Grizzly find (dead fox) under the shed
Mr Toad was under the decking - I'm worried he'll get a concussion!
The decking is getting replaced tomorrow!
Next generation frogs and toads, sunbathing