Linking up with Neely and Ashley again
1. How did you come up with your blog name?
I've always loved the bit in the Eurovision Song Contest when they go to each country for the votes; "Hello Dublin, this is London calling". I thought it was as great name for my blog as it is a miscellany of different bits; stuff about my life, things that pop into my head, my cat, my family, working and living in London and bits about my favourite city. So "London calling" (to the blogosphere) worked for me.
2. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I get to write about whatever crosses my mind! Sometimes just what I've been up to, sometimes little nuggets about London, and sometimes link-ups like this!
3. What is one thing you have discovered because of blogging and now can't live without?
Pinterest. My blogging friends introduced me to it; and although I go through phases of high use/low use I wouldn't be without it!
4. Facebook or Twitter? and why?
I can't choose. They totally different in what I use them for. Facebook is for keeping up with friends and family, watching their children grow and sharing celebrations and the other stuff life is made of. Twitter is my endless conversation, if I'm awake at 3am, or stuck waiting at the Doctor's there is a conversation to join.
5. If one celeb read your blog who would you want it to be?
Charlie Brooker. We seem to have quite a similar life view!
It isn't an only child! If you go to the 'Pages' on the right hand side you can meet all its siblings!