Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Wet day in London

Funny how the London Underground positively cannot cope with bad weather. My journey to work was delayed so long this morning that not only did I finish reading the Metro, but I also managed to finish two Sudoko puzzles! It wasn't just me either. We had to visitors from our Scottish offices down today, and they both had complaints about the Jubilee Line too.

At lunchtime I went for another brisk walk around the environs of Mayfair and the West End (new Occasional Tourist posts are imminent!). Today I went to St James' Park, where I met a lovely lady feeding the squirrels (and the pigeons, and the great tits). Being extraordinarily well fed and therefore exceedingly tame the squirrels were running right up to her and taking the nuts from her hands! Worth the rain just for that spectacle!

My journey home was blighted again by delays (unspecified 'passenger action') and also by hoardes of young people whose volume control appeared stuck on extra loud on their way to see the 'Pussycat Dolls' at the O2. As I observed to Boss-two the other evening, whilst we were 16 once, I don't ever remember being that loud (and in my opinion rather badly behaved) on public transport. Hoping that was the last night of the Pussycat Dolls and that they will be replaced by something more sedate... Carmina Burana is up soon!