July - my husband and I both celebrate our birthdays and even more delightfully our wedding anniversary. I very rarely like the weather (too hot for me and my MS) but we have our holiday and get to be tourists around London.
2. What is your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas. Husband turns our living room into a grotto; sparkles and glitter and shiny things. We decorate as soon as Halloween is done and it stays up until Twelfth Night in January.

3. Are you getting the new iPhone, or are you more of an Android person?
Oddly I used to be an Apple girl when I got my first Smartphone. I made it through the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 4... but just after I got the iPhone 4 Husband got the Samsung Galaxy S3 and I had Android-envy. Through the iPhone years my contract was out of synch with Apple releases and I got the phone just as it was getting old. I have the same trouble with Android. I have the Samsung Galaxy S4 - Husband has the S5. I'm not very taken with the new iPhone - I don't like this direction of phones getting longer and thinner...
4. What is the most thoughtful gift you've ever received from someone?
I don't know that I can narrow it down, My family and friends are incredibly thoughtful and have got me some amazingly thoughtful gifts over the years.
I love the 'Message in a Bottle' Husband bought me for our first anniversary...

I love the tiny Casper Jelly Cat that Mutti found for us...

I love the 'Catcorder' video camera my Bro got me to capture Casper's antics...

I love the print my friends got me "London Calling" to match the blog!

These are just a few of so many...
5. What is something you can’t wait to splurge on?
At the moment, nothing. My adorable Mutti bought us the Soup Maker that I had my eye on - and we are loving the Soup Maker - Husband has taken to using it like a fish to water! My kitchen is complete, my technology is complete... I even have a new Autumn coat waiting for the cooler weather.