Monday, 2 January 2012

New Year, new weather, new outlook

New Year, New Weather by nat_mach
New Year, New Weather, a photo by nat_mach on Flickr.
After the first day of the new was grey and dismal and generally matched the flat balloon feeling that follows Christmas, today was brighter and more optimistic feeling.

The sun came out, Kitten-cat sunbathed on the blanket box, rainbows from the window crystals danced on the ceiling and the walls.

I did my best to forget that this was the last day of holidays and get my life ready for going back to work tomorrow... putting things in their places - tidying and sorting. Didn't manage to read any of the blogs piled up from before Christmas (sorry friends!); didn't manage to read any of the magazines stacked up either.

It is entirely possible that I fell asleep at some point in the afternoon as I can't account for all the hours the Better-Half was at football!

Tomorrow will definitely be another day...!